Moving can be a challenge forboth people and their pets. Here are some key statistics to give you a better understanding of what that means to you when searching for a new home.
- 70% of pet owners say they experience stress when moving to a new home.
- 58% slightly more than half of new home owners say they are concerned about their pet during a move.
- $477 dollars on average spent on moving related expenses for a pet.
A move for a family takes time to adjust to new surroundings and that applies to our pets as well. So what added factors do we need to consider for our family pets to have a smooth transition?
During the Move
- Make sure your pet is comfortable with their pet carrier for a few weeks leading up to your move. Perhaps you may need to keep a few essentials on hand such as a favorite toy or bedding to help them feel more secure.
Keep a routine
- When possible, familiarize your pet to the new home before moving day. You may need to spend extra time with your pet to help them adjust. Once you get your pet comfortable with their new surroundings, it is important to establish your new routine. Consistency in their routine could include familiarizing them to where they will eat in the new home, and setting up their space. We know they have a tendency to find that perfect spot in the house that is just for them.
Taking a break
- There is a lot of excitement in moving to your new home, for you and your pets. Taking the time to stop, having a break to take in the new environment can go a long way. Consider taking a short walk in the new neighborhood to help them adjust.

Moving takes time to acclimate, to find a routine, to establish new routines, not just for you but for everyone in the household, including our pets. Statistics show us, we tend to worry or have a concern and know we can add some extra steps to making it a smooth transition. Be patient with yourself, with your family and your pets. Home is when you are together as you set up your new norm.